Yup. In the box. A mozzarella cheese box at that.
Yup. In the box. A mozzarella cheese box at that.

As you will recall, in my last post (Creativity In and Out of the Box (or How to Eat an Elephant Part II) I declared the next month an experiment. I decided to stop trying to jam my writing into a set period of time and write when I could and where I could.

Due to the utter failure of the whole thing, I’ve called it off early.

In the first ten days, my word count was exactly…wait for it…


I did manage to pound out a measly 959-word chapter later, but only because I put my butt in a chair for over an hour.

I’m back in the box.

Any luck on your end?

6 thoughts on “EPIC FAIL

  1. J.Q Rose says:

    Don’ beat yourself up over it. When you actually sat down for an hour you got the 900 words. Celebrate that. Just need a 25 hour day and reserve that one hour for writing….

  2. Dianne Salerni says:

    Unlike most people, the snow days gave me EXTRA time to write. That’s ’cause I’m a teacher. And I won’t be very happy about it come June.

    Everybody needs to find their own best way to be productive, and it may vary according to the project you’re working on, where you are in the plot, and what other things might be distracting you.

    1. Tess Grant says:

      Everybody needs to find their own best way to be productive–well said!! I’ve always been a down-to-the-wire type. Guess I should have known free form was a bad idea. :).

      I’m actually looking forward to being back on a schedule.

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