Monday Afternoon Musings

Yes, it is I, the Monday Morning Slacker. However, I’m here now, and I did have an excuse…I was finishing proofing the galley for Flying in the Dark, the third and final book in the Kitty Irish Trilogy. Yay! Looks like Kitty will be out on time the week of March 3rd. Come back tomorrow for a peak at something sparkly.

But I digress. It’s Monday (afternoon) and that means it’s time for Monday Musings. This week Chris Allen-Riley, Kirsti Jones, Lynn Doezema, and I are looking at some of our favorite TV shows and movies. This could be a short post for me…for starters, I don’t watch much TV. This does not mean I’m some superior snob. It means reception at the farmette sucks and I don’t have cable…mostly because then I would sit and watch it and never get anything done (and I’m already pretty challenged that way). Also, I’m cheap.

However, I give you my all-time favorite…The X-Files. DH still won’t let me have that vanity plate that says X-Phile. There is one that sticks in my head from when I was a kid…Kolchak: The Night Stalker. The only episode I ever saw back then was the werewolf one..thank you, Carl Kolchak.

Movies? Oh yes, I watch movies. I used to have favorites when I was a teen. Now that I’m older, I find that I have fewer favorites, but many movies that I just plain enjoy. It seems like I’ve gotten better at pulling something to enjoy out of most films I see. Apparently I’m easily entertained along with being cheap. Please don’t tell my mother.

Interestingly enough, when it comes to movies, DH and I, who are about as boring and conventional as a couple get, have come to realize we fall into an odd group. We’re fans of cult classics (see X-files above). We didn’t realize it–we just kept recommending films that we loved to people and they never had the same reaction we did.

(Note: Names have been changed to protect the innocent.) Diane fell asleep during The Big Lebowski. Riley and Tasha didn’t like Raising Arizona. We didn’t even try to recommend The Men Who Stare at Goats to anyone. Wait, that’s not true. I did recommend it to Diane (don’t tell me you fell asleep!). Now that DH and I have finally realized our problem, we huddle on the couch in the dark, look furtively over our shoulder and slip anything by the Coen Brothers into the DVD player.

So that’s me. How about you?

9 thoughts on “Monday Afternoon Musings

  1. Chris Allen-Riley says:

    OMG – The Big Bang Theory is HILARIOUS!!! I think you’d like it and I’m nearly certain it’s on Netflix. For the record, I love The Big Lebowski and Raising Arizona! In fact, My brother keeps telling me that I really need to watch Men Who Stare At Goats. Also – I adore the x-files! 😀

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